Prof Harm Peters
Berlin (Germany)
Harm Peters is Professor of medical education and nephrology at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany. He has joined the AMSE Executive Committee in 2014, where he was elected as Treasurer of AMSE by the General Assembly in 2014. After Prof Peter Dieter’s death in 2019, Prof Harm Peters acted as Interim President from February 2020 on. He is member of the German Association for Medical Education and chairs here the “students as teachers” committee.
Prof. Peters has been actively involved in education reform initiatives for two decades, both as a teacher and curriculum developer. In 2010, he was assigned to be the director of the project team for the new Modular Curriculum of Medicine and two years later, to become head of the Dieter Scheffner Center for Medical Education, both at the Charité. The new Modular Curriculum of Medicine is a six years’ programme that represents a fully modular, integrated, competency-based, student-centered and patients-based curriculum of undergraduate medical education. The Dieter Scheffner Center consists of a multidisciplinary team with curricular experts in the fields of curricular development, assessment, problem-based learning, communication skills, eLearning and scientific working. With regard to medical education, Prof. Peters´ main research interests are in competency-based education and the employment of entrusted professional activities.
Prof Harm Peters was elected the new AMSE President on December 10th, 2020.