AMSE and WHS support the active integration of all relevant disciplines and sectors to encourage the development of synergies and innovations for the improvement of better health and wellbeing of humanity.
The world of Higher Education is rapidly changing and so are the challenges the community is facing. On the Conference, entitled “The dawning of a new era of Higher Education quality assurance – what can we expect from the future?”
Under the high patronage of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the President of France Emmanuel Macron and the President of the European Union Jean-Claude Juncker the World Health Summit 2018 in Berlin …
4 – 6 October 2018, Pécs / Hungary The conference at Szentágothai Research Center and at the Medical School of University of Pécs aimed to attract members of European medical faculties, from deans to researchers, teachers and students. Community building and networking is a central mission of AMSE and represents a benefit to those who […]
Under the guidance of the Politechnika Slaska, Gliwice, Poland, AMSE has successfully been granted an Erasmus Project “Development of innovative training solutions in the field of functional evaluation aimed at updating of the curricula of health sciences schools”
Co-organised symposium of AMSE and AMEE The key theme of the symposium was “Are medical schools selecting students with the appropriate values for 21st century medicine?” The well-attended symposium was chaired by Valerie WASS (UK) and Peter DIETER (AMSE). A number of international speakers, Katrina DIMA (IFMSA), Harm Peters (AMSE), Sharon PETERS (Canada) and Trudie ROBERTS […]
The meeting was entitled “Ranking and Accreditation – two roads to the same goal?” Accreditation and ranking have been, until recently, perceived as two separate areas in the sphere of evaluation of higher education, each serving a different purpose.
The meeting was entitled “We are creating together the Future of Global Health”. In 20 workshops and 4 key lectures, topics such as Biomedical Education for a Changing World