AMSE news in 2017


AMSE at the World Medical Association General Assembly (WMA), 11 – 14 October 2017, Chicago / USA

The Annual General Assembly of the WMA in 2017 was held from October 11 to 14 in Chicago, USA. The program of the meeting was divided in Committees, Council Meetings, Assembly Ceremonial Session, General Assembly and a Scientific Session. In the General Assembly, documents on “Quality Assurance”, “Medical Education” and others were adopted.


AMEE Faculty Development Committee Meeting at the AMEE 2017 conference in Helsinki / Finland

In February 2017, AMEE created the Faculty Development Committee. AMEE committees are instituted by the AMEE Executive Committee in order to promote AMEE’s activities in specific areas. Each AMEE Committee is designed to contribute to AMEE’s mission of advancing best practice and excellence in medical education.


Co-organised symposium of AMSE and AMEE at the AMEE 2017 conference in Helsinki

The Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE) and the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) held a joint symposium at the annual 2017 AMEE conference in Helsinki. The key theme was the rapidly changing health care delivery and how medical schools can respond to ensure graduates are fit for the future.


AMSE Follow-up Workshop “Quality assurance initiative of AMSE”, 9 September 2017 in Berlin

Discussions will focus on the following key aspects: Necessary steps to establish a common quality assurance in the field of medicine Possible objectives of interested stakeholders like medical schools, accreditation agencies and AMSE The meeting will provide a platform for stakeholders to present their ideas and concerns. Click here for detailed information.


AMSE at the World Health Summit Regional Meeting, 8 – 9 May 2017, Montreal / Canada

The Université de Montréal and the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) hosted the 1st World Health Summit Regional Meeting on 8/9 May 2017. This meeting was one of two yearly conferences of the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centres, Universities and National Academies. Based on the theme of “Health and Healthcare Delivery in Pluralistic Societies”, it […]


AMSE at the Spring Assembly of the European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA) 1 – 6 April 2017, Ljubljana / Slovenia

EMSA organises two assemblies every year – one in the spring and one in autumn. In 2017 spring assembly took place at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana, Slovenia between 1 and 6 April. During the spring assembly a variety of plenary lectures, trainings and workshops attracted students from Europe and other countries. Several topics […]