AMSE at the AMEE Conference, 25-29 August 2018, Basel / Switzerland
Co-organised symposium of AMSE and AMEE
The key theme of the symposium was “Are medical schools selecting students with the appropriate values for 21st century medicine?”
The well-attended symposium was chaired by Valerie WASS (UK) and Peter DIETER (AMSE). A number of international speakers, Katrina DIMA (IFMSA), Harm Peters (AMSE), Sharon PETERS (Canada) and Trudie ROBERTS (AMEE) gave introductory presentations at the beginning and offered a range of views:
Trudie ROBERTS pointed out challenges of the future role of a doctor and current thinking. Katrina DIMA showed the IFMSA perspective. Sharon ROBERTS emphasised the need to diversity which embraces the humanities and technical skills, and Harm PETERS referred to the future need for a much wider perspective to address socioeconomics and digital health with the need for wider degrees to embrace business management etc.
All participants discussed with the speakers and chairs different aspects of the theme of the symposium such as questions about western standards and how they can be used for developing countries, learning from developing countries how they face the problem, if MMIs are the answers.
AMEE Faculty Development Committee
The AMEE Faculty Development:
- had a booth giving information to interested colleagues
- offered a symposium “Faculty Development for Organizational Change”, chaired by Yvonne STEINERT and Miriam BOILLAT
- an open meeting with an emphasis on research on Faculty Development and
- hold the Faculty Development Committee Meeting with the new members.
AMEE Executive Meeting
Peter DIETER as President of AMSE was invited to attend the Executive Meeting. He gave a presentation on AMSE and its activities. He also was elected to be a member of the AMEE Executive Committee.