Interim President of AMSE


Interim President of AMSE

Dear Colleagues,

As you were informed, the President of the Association of Medical Schools in Europe – AMSE, Professor Peter Dieter, died in December 2019. From January 2020 until the Executive Committee -EC meeting in Berlin in February 2020, the Treasurer Professor Harm Peters (Berlin) and the General Secretary Professor Dušan Šuput (Ljubljana) were working on a smooth transition of the president’s duties and continuation of AMSE mission.

According to the AMSE constitution, the new president can be elected by the General Assembly only. The next AMSE General Assembly will take place during the next AMSE annual meeting that is planned for December 2020 in Belgrade. At the EC meeting in Berlin in February, we decided that Professor Harm Peters acts as the Interim President of AMSE. This decision of the EC means that AMSE will be able to continue all of its actions. Furthermore, we are glad that we can also announce that AMSE annual meetings have been planned for the next three years.

AMSE is closely monitoring the situation at medical schools caused by CoViD-19, and shortly we will ask you to participate in a short survey regarding dealing with the new situation at your medical school.

We value your membership and are looking forward to continuing and enhancing our collaboration by providing a forum for interaction and opinion exchange between the medical schools.

With kind regards,

Professor Dušan Šuput, MD, PhD

General Secretary of AMSE