AMSE at the World Health Summit (WHS), 27 – 29 October 2019, Berlin / Germany
Under the high patronage of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the President of France Emmanuel Macron and the President of the European Union Jean-Claude Juncker the World Health Summit 2019 in Berlin welcomed over 2.500 participants and 300 speakers from over 100 nations, top scientists, leaders from business and civil society, and passionate and motivated students—will come together with a single, noble goal: improving health worldwide. In over 50 sessions, experts from around the world will discuss global health challenges—from policy to medical research, healthcare systems to climate change, and more. Several of the WHS partners hosted satellite events in the days surrounding the World Health Summit, featuring complementary discussion of specific global health topics.
AMSE President Peter Dieter could make contact with many participants, he introduced AMSE and its quality assurance program which was very well received.