AMSE 2021 Virtual Conference
We are excited to announce that Virtual AMSE Conference “Medical Schools of the Future – Towards Purposeful Innovation” AMSE2021 will take place from 7–9 October, 2021.
Abstract submission is still open for you to present your findings alongside other academic educators, researchers, clinicians, experts and opinion leaders to an international audience. AMSE 2021 offers you an unrivalled opportunity to raise your profile within Europe’s community. What’s more, we will be introducing enhanced networking features, allowing you to connect and collaborate with fellow academic educators, researchers and physicians from across the globe.
We invite you to present abstracts for one of three Short Communication sessions on the following topics:
- Education
- Research
- Patient-centred care
- Abstract submission opening 15 July 2021 2021
- Abstract submission deadline 20 September 2021
Submit your abstract: http://creativa.lt/amseabstracts
AMSE2021 website: http://amse2021.lt/
Submit your abstract or clinical case before the deadline and be a part of Europe’s largest Medical Education meeting!
For more details please see the attached document.